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PressHarbor is smooth sailing for WordPress hosting

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Back in 2004, I started PurpleCar.net on a little hosting startup called Blog Harbor. 12 years later, PurpleCar.net is going strong and has had zero downtime. Now called PressHarbor, my host’s support, flexible cache-ing, speed, uptime, and scalable traffic options are still top-notch. The backend of my blog is totally accessible and 100% customizable. My site has never been hacked, DOS’ed or doxxed (I use PressHarbor as a domain renewal service too). Or, I should say, if my site has been attacked, it never affected performance. The staff at PressHarbor are ultimate pros with superb skills.

PressHarbor is the best option for small businesses wanting to scale up. The server grid’s bandwidth can handle viral spikes as well as heavy daily traffic. The fees are a steal, especially compared to other more commercial hosts who spend all their money on SuperBowl ads and email spamming. I’ve never once been sent an unsolicited email by PressHarbor. The privately-owned hosting service is run by a real coder who understands bloggers. Bloggers don’t want spam; we want to publish. PressHarbor gets out of our way and lets us do just that.

If you are looking for a WordPress host with a great record of uptime, excellent support and scalable goodness, check out my loyal and awesome host PressHarbor.

And no, this isn’t a paid ad. I just wanted to send them some love, after a dozen years of impeccable service. I know some of you out there want to start blogging. WordPress is your software. PressHarbor is your host.